
Sunday, 1 May 2011

Aqworlds Gold Farming Guide 1

Best Possible Gold Farming Techniques for Members and Non-Members:

Vasalkar Item Farming [G1]
Undead Portal Farming [G2]
Dwakel Quest/Drop Item Selling [G3]
Giant Protector Blade Farming [G4]
[G1] Vasalkar Item Farming

To be able to use this gold farming technique, you must first have completed all of the DragonSlayer quests provided by Galanoth so that you have access to Galanoth’s Shop. You will need to do so that you will be able to sell the items that are dropped from the Draconians/Wyverns/Red Dragon as soon as possible.
First you must gather a party of at least 2 people so that this isn’t just a waste of your time. Then you join the Vasalkar Lair by saying “/join lair” or “/join lair-<Insert Numbers Here>”. The best way to get people to join with you is to go to the “Let’s Party!” thread found in the AQW General Discussion forum and request immediate help.
Secondly, you create a pattern on which specific enemies or enemy to farm off of. For draconians, I suggest just two different ones so that if you beat them to a pulp very quickly, you’ll have a little time to rest so that this farming can stay a neverending process.
I suggest the Bronze and Venom Draconians inside the cave behind Galanoth, as they are big on your game screen (easy to select), have a good certain width away from each other, and drop the best of items to sell.
For the other monsters, you just repeatedly kill. Though, for the Wyverns, you will want to drag the Wyvern from the bottom of the screen (if you are farming off the ones next to Galanoth) next to the one on the top so that when it spawns it glitches and moves over to the spot it was killed in so that you do not need to walk around the crack.
Then all you must do is repeatedly defeat these two monsters until they drop items. Once an item is dropped, go to Galanoth and open up his shop to sell the items, and then go back to pummeling these beasts for their infinite amount of good-selling items. Here are the monsters, their health amount, and what they drop that are available in the Vasalkar Lair:
Wyvern | 800 | Wyvern Pet
Water Draconian | 2,000 | Water Draconian Sword / Water Draconian Wings
Purple Draconian | 2,200 | Iron Draconian Sword / Purple Draconian Wings
Bronze Draconian | 2,200 | Bronze Draconian Wings / Mammoth Crusher Blade
Venom Draconian | 2,200 | Venom Draconian Wings / Venom Draconian Sword
Golden Draconian | 2,500 | Golden Draconian Wings / Golden Draconian Sword
Dark Draconian | 2,500 | Dark Draconian Wings / Dark Draconian Sword
Red Dragon | 20,000 | Celestial Staff / Dragonhead Archon / Dragon Wings / Elegant Backstabber / Templar’s Helm of Light / Krom’s Conquest / Phoenix Blade
[G2]Undead Portal Farming

There are no prerequisites for this farming technique.
Firstly, you must know that this farming technique is much better with a party with less than 6 people. You can even do this completely by yourself. This is because the area is small and the enemies have little health and are sometimes hard to select. You’ll need perfect timing and full cooperation (which means no multitasking) because everything goes by fairly quickly. Then you join the portal by saying “/join portalundead” or “/join portalundead-<Insert Numbers Here>”. Just skip the cutscene because it doesn’t matter at all for this farming technique.
Secondly, you need not get ready to leave this one screen which is great. All you must do is talk to Cleric Dawn and accept her “Fire Gem” quest. What happens with this quest-
-is that you just kill the Skeletal Fire Mages repeatedly to get the Fire Gem.
You turn the Fire Gem into Cleric Dawn and then you receive the Burn It Down staff that sells for a whopping 12,500 Gold (the whole reason to farm here!).
Along the way these mages also drop the Fire Staff very frequently that sells for a little prize of 2,500 Gold.
With these two items you just sell them in the conveniently placed Newbie Shop from Cleric Dawn.
This makes me think… Originally the Burn It Down staff sold for a huge 200,000 Gold (”WHAT?!” you say?) in the first days of its release. And for some reason, a Newbie Shop was given to Cleric Dawn even though there is already one located in the newbie area. This place was definitely meant to be farming station.
Yeah… Just keep doing that. It’s quite easy but kind of unreliable. You may never get the Fire Gem or you may get 40 of them. I suggest this farming technique only if you are feeling preeeetty lucky.
[G3]Dwakel Quest/Drop Item Selling

There are no prerequisites for this farming technique.
Firstly, you must know that this farming technique is much better with a party with as many people as you can get. This is because the enemies are easy to target and you all want to do the same thing and kill the same monster. It’s pretty organized. If you can’t or don’t feel like getting a group, it’s a good idea to go to random Crash Sites where people are already killing Dwakels. Chances are that someone is and that you can cut into a few kills that were just ending to get the quests done more quickly. Then you join the Crash Site by saying “/join dwakel” or “/join dwakel-<Insert Numbers Here>”.
All you’ve got to do when you reach the first scene is to talk to Tarvarya, the woman standing with her protosartorium suit on the top of the screen. Just accept her first three descending quests: Quadrolithium, Dam Balloons, and Bumper Bolts. What happens with these quests is that you kill a couple of the same dwakels and get the rewards for all of these quests afterwards. Here are the quests, how many dwakel you need to kill to complete them, and their rewards (and how they sell for):
Quadrolithium | 8 | 50 Gold, 50 EXP, Oculation Helm [sells for 2,500 Gold]
Dam Balloons | 4 | 100 Gold, 100 EXP, Battery Cell Pack [sells for 2,500 Gold]
Bumper Bolts | 6 | 50 Gold, 150 EXP, Spybot [sells for 2,500 Gold]
So when you are done accepting the quests, go to the next screen and repeatedly attack those two dwakels. You can kill any other dwakel but I suggest this place because it is right next to the screen where you accept the quests. They are easy to kill and have enough spawn pause for you to rest and recover your health. I suggest that you kill 8 then complete the quests instead of accepting each individually. It’s just a waste of time and the whole farming process gets too complex if you do them individually. You’ll also probably end up getting bored and leave or get less money than doing it 8 at a time. Another good thing is that these dwakels also drop a few items. Here are each of them, their health, and what they drop (and how much they sell for):
Dwakel Warrior | 2,000 | Dwakel Warrior Sword [sells for 3,750 Gold]
Dwakel Blaster | 1,000 | Dwakel Bubble Helm [sells for 1,250 Gold]
Flamethrower Dwakel | 1,100 | Nothing dropped.
Remember to keep the dropped items until you finish the quests and sell them only when you sell quest rewards. It’ll just waste time if you stop to go to Battleon or some shop just to sell one item.

Afterwards, complete the quest by going to Tarvarya once again. Then you should go to a shop or some place to sell the items. I suggest copying the /join or /goto code for going to whatever specific room you are farming in or to whomever you are farming with. Then to sell the stuff go to your map and enter BattleOn. Open up the Upgrade Shop and sell the items received from the quests. Then paste your code in the chat box and boom you are back at the farm spot. Just repeat this whole process and you farming gold preeetty quickly.
[G4] Giant Protector Blade Farming

There are no prerequisites for this farming technique.
First, you should know that this does not require a group, and it will only be a hassle to have one when using this technique for one of the ways [because there are two ways of doing it]. This is because for one of the techniques, you are going throughout different and random instances of the “boxes” map, and for the other you are staying static and going to just one of the instances, preferably a private one (an instance that is for your group only or with a number above 1,000). I’ll explain to you why these two ways are equal.
Technique 1 [The Party/Group Version]: You should pick this version if you want to farm a lot for a lot of gold.
To start this off, you will need just one inventory slot open. This is because your objective is to get the Giant Protector Blade to drop so that you can take it and keep it and sell it. You will also need anyone you are farming with in just one party/group. I suggest at least 5 people to help out, or else it’ll just take too long. You will also want to pick a private instance of the “boxes” map for you to farm in. Either a party-only instance or an instance with a number over 1,000 is fine.
Go to your “boxes” map instance and move just one screen to the right. You’ll see two Box Guardians and Grizzle Spit. Grizzle Spit is the one you are looking for!
Whack away on this menace of a sneevil until it dies. >:O Your hopes and dreams will all amount up to the dropping of a Giant Protector Blade. You’ll want this item because it is the objective of this entire technique. It sells for a lot more than you’d think [7,500 GOLD!]. The best thing about this is that the blade should drop around half the time you kill Grizzle Spit, and he has just 5,000 health and little to no power.
Now, just join any “battleon” instance and sell the item. Then go to your party panel and “/goto” one of your party members and you’ll be right back at lil’ Grizzle. Repeat this technique for lots and lots of gooooold!
Technique 2 [The No Party/Group Version]: ‘Should pick this one if you do not yet have a group or if you just want a tad-bit more gold.
To start this off, you will need just one inventory slot open. This is because your objective is to get the Giant Protector Blade to drop so that you can take it and keep it and sell it.
Go to a random “boxes” map instance and move just one screen to the right. You’ll see two Box Guardians and Grizzle Spit. Grizzle Spit is the one you are looking for!
If there are less than 3 people there, it might not be worth staying at. The reason you are going to a random instance is so that you can jump into a fight that is already taking place or if there are lots of people you can kill Grizzle Spit with so that it’s much quicker to get the Giant Protector Blade.
Whack away on this menace of a sneevil until it dies. >:O Your hopes and dreams will all amount up to the dropping of a Giant Protector Blade. You’ll want this item because it is the objective of this entire technique. It sells for a lot more than you’d think [7,500 GOLD!]. The best thing about this is that the blade should drop around half the time you kill Grizzle Spit, and he has just 5,000 health and little to no power.
Now, just join any “battleon” instance and sell the item. Then go back and repeat these procedures!

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